Saturday, December 30, 2006

A New Beginning

My pain and my cries have fallen on deaf ears
Blocked by nothing but my own pride
As the night silently creeps up on day
So has bitterness on my heart
Pain pierced all those I love and I was sightless
Shattered and broken I now lay
My very core exposed, nothing left hidden
Truth fills my lungs and I can breathe
Your hand holds mine and we walk on
Piece by piece I will be molded
The fog that buried me in aloneness
Now fully lifted

copyright NLH 12/06


SPARKY said...

beautiful and i'm so glad i know the secret behind those words. your story touched me so much. thank you for sharing such a personal moment. love you

hot potato said...

i love this piece of work! so beautiful...thankyou for letting me in to see your heart. you are such a beautiful person inside and out. my prayer for you is to continue to let the Lord speak to you. now is when He will show you what He wants you to accomplish for Him. that moment that you experienced was a powerful one, a huge turning point for you. everyone, including you, in your life will never be the same. God bless you--sister-in-law!

i love you dearly.

SPARKY said...

post again. post again. yeah for blogs!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you shared your heart with me. You are a beautiful woman and you just added another demension to that beauty.