Friday, February 16, 2007

It's been a long time

Okay, it has been about a month since I've posted. I took a trip w/ my kids for 3 weeks and just returned this last Tues. I'm still trying to recoup, it's taking much longer since I've been really sick. In fact my 2 kids are also sick. Just wanted to let everyone know we made it home safely, now we just need to get over our colds, which is taking too long. I'll be back when I have more energy. Love to all and thank you for a wonderful time in ID.


Barry Hughes said...

It was nice to see you on the trip! I like the photo that says "Me and 1/2 of my offspring". :-)

Anonymous said...

Where are you....???

Candace Sweigart said...

Hey Nicole! I stumbled upon your blog and had a lot of fun catching up on your life. Next time you guys come to ID, let us know. We'd love to see you & see the little ones!